PLANS have been sent in to convert a barn at a farm into a residential property.

Proposals have been submitted to council planners seeking permission for the works to a building at Old Hall Farm, on Hall Lane, Rainhill. 

Plans also include for associated drainage and landscape works.

A design and access statement in the applicant states the barn is “a robust structure that has withstood the test of time” and “an integral part of a larger farm complex”.

It adds the vision is not one to make the barn obsolete but to give it a “transformation and rebirth”.

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The statement says: “The proposal to convert this steadfast edifice into a new dwelling is imbued with a deep respect for its agricultural roots”.

Plans add the development would seek to maintain the existing brick walls and roof to ensure “the dwelling's historical integrity”.

There would also be “provision for secure cycle storage within the rear grounds”.

The statement adds: “The thoughtful planning of these features underscores a commitment to accessibility, security, and the preservation of the site's pastoral charm”.

The planning application is on standard consultation to the public until Monday, July 8.

A decision by council planners is expected by August 9.