BRAILLE maps at a railway station have been approved although proposed plans for a toilet pod and bike shelter have been shelved.

An application seeking Listed Building Consent for the amendments at Rainhill railway station was submitted to St Helens Council last year.

The historic station, the site of Stephenson's Rocket locomotive trials of 1829, was declared a Grade II listed building in 2007.

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A report by planning officer Alex Ball stated: "During the application process the applicant has amended the proposed development by removing the accessible toilet POD and bike shelter, to overcome concerns raised by the council in terms of harm to the settings of the listed building and harm to the prominent gateway (railway station)."

It was noted Rainhill Parish Council had raised an objection stating "an accessible toilet will not promote or enhance the conservation area".

Meanwhile, Rainhill Civic Society had raised an objection citing "visual clutter" and "harm from inappropriate development".

The braille maps will be on a 30mm depth frame, 600mm in length and will be 1100mm in height.

Their approval was granted.

The Star has reported on several planning applications for additions to be made at stations across the borough.