THIS time last week, Clare and Colin were getting ready for their special day and looking forward to becoming Mr and Mrs Marsh.

The couple have been together for 16 years after meeting at a party and said I do in front of 70 family and friends at Mercure Hotel St Helens last Saturday, June 8.

Here, Clare, who is 36, and Colin, who is 37, and live in St Helens, tell us their wedding story, in their own words.

If you’ve tied the knot this year or are planning to get married in the next few months, and would like to appear in ‘Our Wedding Day’ feature, email

When and how did you meet?

Clare: Colin is my friend's older brother. I was friends with my friend for years before me and Colin officially met at my housewarming party. A mutual friend brought him to the party. He arrived in a suit looking very smart and handsome - he caught my eye straight away.

What did you think of each other when you first met?

Clare: We had met a few times for matter of minutes, but we officially and properly got introduced at my housewarming party. I remember asking my friend Emma who he was and realised that I hadn't seen him in years. He was in a suit as he was going out afterwards. I remember a conversation we had - I said he looked amazing in his suit and asked whether he was single. He told me he wouldn't be dressed like he was if he had a girlfriend! (I later found out he had but he wasn't happy).

Colin: I don’t remember much but I didn’t think she was a lunatic! She seemed interesting. We went to town and had a few drinks with friends exchanged numbers.

The couple have been engaged for 15 years

The couple have been engaged for 15 years

Where and when did you get engaged?

Clare: We got engaged at home at Christmas 2009. We were skint and decided not to get each other gifts and to concentrate on Owen.

How did one of you propose?

Clare: Colin proposed to me on Christmas morning 2009. He asked my dad Hugh for permission. We were both working but had next to no money. I remember sitting on the settee, I turned away from him to see to Owen and he asked me if I wanted my gift. I was shocked and turned round only to see him with a ring. I was so happy but very shocked as I was not expecting it. I wanted to say yes but I smiled and swore and asked if he was serious. He asked if that was a yes and of course I said yes!

What was the date of the wedding and reception?

Colin: We got married on Saturday, June 8.

What was the location of the wedding and reception?

Colin: We got married at Mercure Hotel St Helens.

Clare and Colin had mixed emotions - nerves and excitement - on their wedding day

Clare and Colin had mixed emotions - nerves and excitement - on their wedding day

How were you feeling on the morning of your wedding?

Clare: I felt amazing but it was like a dream. It had been 16 years that we had been together and engaged for 15 years. I was sweating but happy and a little nervous.

Colin: I was all right - quite calm.

How would you describe your wedding?

Clare: We were surrounded by love, family and friends. It was busy and there was a lot to take in but we wouldn't have changed anything for the world.

How many guests did you have?

Colin: We had around 70 guests. Some had travelled from abroad and some were sadly unable to attend, but every single person made the day special in their own way.

What did your guests eat?

Colin: We had canapés to start and then some good old wholesome foods such as hot pot with a crust, pizza, chips, pasta, burgers, wraps and sandwiches with wedding cake and brownies as well as a sweet cart also for the kids, which the adults loved too.

Did you have a first dance? If so, what was the song and why did you choose it?

Clare: We had our first dance to Sam Philips’ Reflecting Light. We loved the meaning behind the song and it's one of my personal favourites from the Gilmore Girls series, which I love also.

Around 70 guests joined the happy couple on their wedding day

Around 70 guests joined the happy couple on their wedding day

Did you have speeches? How did they go?

Clare: We did. My dad did a speech – it was short and sweet with lovely kind and caring thoughts. Colin’s best man also said how much he loved his brother and the fact they have become so much closer in the last four years. He said he was grateful to have an extra sister in his family.

What are your favourite memories of the day?

Clare: Seeing my grandma there was very special. She has mixed dementia her mobility isn't great - we didn't think she would be able to come but thanks to Bluebird Care in St Helens she was able to attend with a carer. We involved our children in our vows, which was so beautiful - everyone loved that. Having my dad walk me down the aisle was perfect and meant so much. My grandad’s choir sang as I walked down the aisle. He passed away four years ago and I always said he would be singing at my wedding.

Tell us a little bit about your outfits on the day

Clare: I wore a white sparkling puffy dress with a long veil. The men wore navy blue suits and baby blue ties. My bridesmaids wore baby blue dresses and each picked their own style as I wanted them to feel comfortable. My daughter also wore a baby blue dress with a tiara. The colour scheme was baby blue which is my favourite colour and looked perfect throughout the wedding. Everything blended together but everyone looked different in their own way.

Did you go on honeymoon? Where did you go?

Colin: We didn't go on a honeymoon as we are low on funds but we do plan on saving up and travelling somewhere as soon as we can with the children.

Colin and Clare tied the knot at Mercure Hotel St Helens

Colin and Clare tied the knot at Mercure Hotel St Helens

Please tell us a little bit about the things you have in common. Why do you love each other?

Clare: We have so many things in common - we love the same music and films and we like cars. We always have something to talk about. We also have differences which keeps things interesting. I love the way Colin shows he cares without saying it. He will do little things for me like bring me a blanket when am cold. If he can see I have a headache or a bad back he brings me painkillers. If am sad he will buy me flowers or put my favourite program on and sit on the settee with me and cuddle. He doesn't often tell me how he feels but he shows it. Colin: I love the way Clare deals with things and how much she cares for other people. I love the relationship she has with the children.

Clare: We love how honest and open we can be with each other - how we can talk with just looks to each other. We are best friends, husband and wife, together on everything. We don't disagree on much but when we do, we compromise. We still argue, of course but it doesn't last long. We always talk it through and sort it.

Why did you want to get married?

Clare: There are many reasons we wanted to get married. We love each other- that is the simple answer we can give but it was also for security for us and our children.

Is there anything else you would like to share with us about your day or your relationship?

Clare: We support each other but tell each other if we don't agree with a decision and explain why, then try to find another way.