LOOK inside St Helens' latest new eatery - Refuel, a passion project offering healthy and tasty food to the masses.

The Church Road business in Haydock is housed in the former Bros to Go and is the brainchild of Mark Brennan, who is using his fitness and health knowledge to offer something a bit different to the area.

Mark, who works in the fitness industry and has helped coach Saints' women's team, opened Refuel last week offering just coffee.

It is now serving food too.

(Image: nq)

The food offering includes health-conscious items for breakfast and brunch as well as lunches for all ages, and will soon offer food plans too.

Mark, 35, said: "I've always been involved in fitness and sport and I just wanted to offer something healthy to people in the community.

"There's other options other than fried food, that tastes as good and is better to serve to families.

Inside RefuelInside Refuel (Image: NQ)

"I've hired six people from Haydock so it's created new jobs and the coffee is our own brew sourced from Burtonwood Coffee."

The dad-of-one has created a space for 40 customers, with the front offering casual dining and the back offering more fine dining, with the option to hire out the back of the venue for events.

He said: "The reaction we've had so far just from serving coffees has been brilliant, people are excited for another venue offering something different on this main street and I'm glad I'm doing it in my own community.

(Image: Inside Refuel)

"I think it's important to try to change mindsets, that's why all the food is tasty stuff, pancakes and cakes included but all healthier choices.

"I've also gone into partnership with Greedy Bake Cakes, who is offering all the sweet stuff minus all the guilt and high in protein.

"I just want to offer something different and the reaction so far has been great, come and try it and give it a go."

The venue is having a live DJ set tonight with Saints' Koni Hurrell. For information and updates on Refuel, follow them online via @re_fuelltd

(Image: nq)

(Image: The menu)