RAINHILL councillor James Tasker has announced he is standing as an independent candidate to become MP for St Helens South and Whiston in the general election.

Mr Tasker, who has been an independent councillor for Rainhill since 2018, is to compete for the seat held by Labour's Marie Rimmer in the July 4 election. 

Announcing his candidacy for the general election, he said: "I believe that we need someone who has the passion, energy and drive to improve our communities and to make sure that our voices are heard."

READ > By-election to be held for council seat on same day as general election

In a pledge published online, Mr Tasker said: "As many of you know, I have served Rainhill as an Independent councillor for the last six years. I have always been deeply committed to fighting for our communities and ensuring our voices are heard.

"Today, I am taking this commitment a step further. Our community needs a representative in Parliament who is not bound by party politics but is dedicated to addressing our real issues.

"I am running as an Independent candidate because I believe St Helens and Whiston deserve an independent voice—someone who prioritises our residents’ needs and interests above all else.

"As a councillor, I have seen the difference that dedicated, community-focused leadership can make. From advocating for better local services and improved infrastructure to supporting our schools and healthcare facilities, my focus has always been making our community a better place to live.

"I am proud of our progress together, but much work still needs to be done."