A MAN who was caught with a knife and ecstasy in his possession has been spared jail.

Tomasz Ciesielski, 53, appeared at Liverpool, Knowsley and St Helens Magistrates' Court on Wednesday, May 29.

Before magistrates, the defendant indicated a guilty plea to possessing a kitchen knife in a public place.

He also admitted to possessing a Class A drug, namely MDMA, commonly known as ecstasy, on the same date.

The 53-year-old had the knife on him on Duke Street, in St Helens, on Sunday, February 11 of this year.

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Ciesielski was given a prison sentence of 16 weeks, suspended for 12 months by the magistrates.

A court sheet said the offences are "so serious that only a custodial sentence can be justified".

However, it added the sentence has been suspended because the defendant is a "realistic prospect of rehabilitation" and of "previous good character".

It was added the defendant "has accessed alcohol treatment services already".

Ciesielski, of Duke Street, St Helens, must undergo alcohol treatment for six months, do 10 days of rehabilitation activity and 50 hours of unpaid work within 12 months.

The court ordered forfeiture and destruction of the knife.

The defendant, whose guilty pleas were taken into account upon sentencing, also must pay £85 in costs and a surcharge of £154.