BRITISH summer.

You can think of two things really – especially as a Northerner – the ever changing climate we are blessed with or the fond childhood memories of Blackpool rock, trips to the seaside, fair ground rides, ice creams and a whole lot of fun.

St Helens Star: Kelsey's son tucking into an icecream at the safari Park Kelsey's son tucking into an icecream at the safari Park (Image: Kelsey Maxwell)

Well the latter is the vibe that Knowsley Safari have chosen to vouch for this British Summer as they unveiled their second annual Seaside Carnival at the site.

Running throughout half term until Sunday June 2, the carnival offers performances from skilled acrobats alongside free activities and workshops like plate spinning, learning how to hoola hoop and even trying your hand at aerial silks.

St Helens Star:

I was kindly given tickets for me and my toddler son and we had the most lovely day.

Firstly let me say Knowsley Safari is always a win in my house, my adventurous son loves the place so much that I had to keep it secret until the day before to stop my ears from being battered being asked ‘are we going yet’ from the get go.

We arrived early and set off on the foot safari, the foot safari includes play areas for different age groups, the Sea Lion Display, and many rides which you can access for tokens that cost £2 each or a £12 wristband.

We first went to see the animals though and spotted the giraffes, bush dogs, birds of prey and tried to find the Andean Bears, but they must have been sleeping, and were very pleased to spot the tiger right in front of us sitting very proudly until my ever so quiet two-year-old disturbed the peace and he swiftly moved to his enclosure – can’t say I blame Mr Tiger.

St Helens Star: Kelsey's son enjoying one of many climbing frames at the siteKelsey's son enjoying one of many climbing frames at the site (Image: Kelsey Maxwell)

We then got some lunch in the café which my son loved, and went on a train ride around a portion of the site and went on several rides appropriate for my son’s age before watching the seaside carnival antics.

Due to my son’s age he didn’t want to partake in sone of the activities but my goodness he was enthralled watching the aerial performers spinning high in the sky on the silks, so much so that he nearly dropped his icecream.

Then we got in the car and did the safari drive. My son absolutely loved the stickers given on arrival of all the animals you can spot on the safari and enjoyed placing them – admittedly more on himself than the map provided – whenever we spotted a new animal.

St Helens Star: Kelsey's son enjoying the Seaside Carnival funKelsey's son enjoying the Seaside Carnival fun (Image: Kelsey Maxwell)

A highlight for me was seeing the camels walk directly past our car, the lions within arms length from us, the many different types of deer running around happily and the rhinos having a little tussle – which made my son’s day.

We avoided the carnage of the baboon enclosure, and instead took the car friendly option – though we happily parked up with snacks and watch how other, far braver, people took the risk and had their cars revamped by baby and adult monkeys.

Knowsley Safari is a great day for a day out with children, it’s got everything you need and the seaside carnival added that touch of nostalgia from my own childhood that I loved sharing with my little boy in the unpredictable summer of 2024.