STAR readers have been showing their support for community charity Teardrops after news it needs help to avoid closure.

Yesterday, the Star reported how Teardrops was founded eight years ago initially to help the homeless in St Helens, eventually changing to help all in need in our town, becoming a vital bridge to what other charities and food banks offer to those at crisis point.

As a way to be more sustainable, in September 2023, using legacy money left to the charity, Teardrops founded Mellor and Black Enchanted Tea Rooms and an upcycling furniture business called Made Up inside the downstairs of the former Ena Shaws building.

The intention was funds garnered from these businesses would go back into Teardrops – however due to rising costs and the cost-of-living crisis, the charity has been left with a horrible situation and will close the two businesses on Saturday, June 1 following a fundraiser to try and save the charity.

A fundraising page looking to raise £50,000 has currently garnered £2,800 in less than 24 hours and Star readers have commented on the news on social media. 

Sandra Bedson said: "Aww that's a shame if it closed...The people are so friendly and helpful.

"My friends and I have been a few times...the food is so good a reasonable price too"

Jess Pardoe added: "I was a volunteer at Teardrops Supporting Your Community for about 2 years before I moved areas and this breaks my heart, the work they do is so vital to the St Helens community. Fingers crossed they can pull through."

Emma McNally said: "This would be such a loss to St Helens if they were to close. Hope the town gets behind them to allow them to continue their vital work"

Vicky Broderick said: "100 per cent needed there are loads of people that rely on Teardrops, could even be one of your family members if not now then one day that need to walk through those doors for whatever reason !!! So anyone that can help then please do"

Marc Bradley said: "This is devastating news, I've been a volunteer for Teardrops Supporting Your Community for 6yrs, not only does it support community's & homeless etc, me having mental health(anxiety & autism)personally & volunteering has also helped me.

"The hub for me is what I call a 'safe place' I owe a lot to this place & can't thank the staff enough for the help they've gave me just being part of it"

To donate to the fundraising page in a bid to save Teardrops, go to