A GROUP of Year 1 and Year 2 took a visit to a nursery to read to the children and develop their reading skills.

Bookworms Eliza, Killian and Emily from Year 1 and Lily, Jacob and Ella from Year 2 at Rainford Brook Lodge Primary School volunteered to take part in the unique initiative.

The visit provided an opportunity for the primary school children to enhance their storytelling voices and also served as a meaningful way to connect with younger members of the community. Under the guidance of teaching assistants, Mrs Greenall and Miss Bradley, the Brook Lodge pupils eagerly took on the role of storytellers, selecting their favourite books and engaging the nursery children with captivating tales.

By sharing the joy of reading with the nursery students, the older children inspired curiosity, imagination, and a love for learning.

The nursery children were enthralled by the animated storytelling and eagerly listened as they went on a journey of whimsical adventures.

As advocates for early literacy and community engagement, Rainford Brook Lodge Primary School and Little Explorers are committed to creating enriching opportunities for children to learn, grow, and connect with one another.

Mr Reece, headteacher of Rainford Brook Lodge Primary School, said: "We believe in the power of storytelling to ignite imaginations. The visit to Little Explorers not only promotes literacy but also encourages empathy, as the older children learn to engage with and support their younger peers.

St Helens Star:

“This is the start of a promising relationship with the nursery and we are already planning our next visit."

ENDS Rainford Brook Lodge Primary School, located on Rufford Road, Rainford, aims to develop MAGIC children who are ‘Motivated, Aspirational, Growing in … Independence and Confidence.’ The primary school is a proud member of Everyone Matters Schools Trust.