A TEA party and concert was held at Corpus Christi Primary School to celebrate its 150th birthday – exactly the same way the school celebrated its launch in 1874!

Friday, May 17 saw the Rainford school celebrate the milestone anniversary as on May 17 1874, the foundation stone of the school was put into place, and 150 years later the school is still going strong.

To begin the anniversary festivities, the children, staff and Governors celebrated, just as their historical counterparts did, with a tea party and concert. The day also included crafts, games and singing.

Acting Head Teacher, Alexandra Mowatt, said: “We are very proud of our school family, and any opportunity we have to celebrate the community we have, we will.

“We have wonderful children and families, who have really enjoyed today and we have a group of staff and governors, who work so hard to ensure our pupils experience the best care and education we can give and that has been the case for 150 years.”

More than 150 parents and family members took part in the concert with all of the songs, poems and performances chosen carefully to represent what the school has meant to all of its pupils over the years.

The school opened its doors to its first students on August 10 1874 and so the celebrations are set to continue over the Summer term, with an Art Exhibition, History Day, Anniversary Mass and Celebration Day all planned in.