PLANS for six apartments in Haydock have sparked fears about ‘overpopulation’ on a ‘small estate’.

An application proposing the change of use of a dwellinghouse to six self-contained apartments, on Haydock Park Gardens, will come before the planning committee on Tuesday, May 21.

It also includes the construction of a single-storey side extension, changes to roof lights, the construction of a first-floor terrace area, new windows to side elevations, the removal of rear dormers and construction of a new rear dormer, other external alterations to the front, side and rear elevations and the construction of a front parking area.

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It is being recommended for approval subject to conditions, with authority delegated to the head of planning.

The application site comprises a large, two and a half storey detached property, positioned at the head of Haydock Park Gardens cul-de-sac, within an established residential area of Haydock, according to a report to the committee.

This application has been advertised with neighbouring notification letters and a site notice.

A total of 26 letters of objection to the application have been received from 24 properties, as a result of the public consultation.

These objections, as summarised, include an increase in traffic and congestion which is ‘already an issue’, it not being ‘in keeping with other single dwellings’, not wanting the estate to ‘look like a car park’, there not being ‘enough’ off-street parking, and ‘overpopulation’ on a ‘small estate’.

The report to the committee says the principle of development is considered acceptable and in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework and St Helens Local Plan.

It adds: “The proposal is considered to be in accordance with the general aims and objectives of Local Plan policies, which include general support for the provision of housing needed for different groups in the community.

“The amenity impact of the change of use is considered acceptable and no severe impact is created to highway network from the proposed application.”