PERFECT symmetry is everywhere!

Members of St Helens Star Camera Club shared their photographs of symmetry with plenty of reflections, cloudy skies and birds.

The Camera Club is a supportive and friendly group of amateur and professional photographers and as well as submitting photos taken recently, members also take part in regular themed challenges like bluebells, clouds and places of worship.

You can join 1,001 others on Facebook at

A young robin by Mark Cavendish

A young robin by Mark Cavendish

Carr Mill Dam at night

Carr Mill Dam at night

Dandelion symmetry by Mike Horton

Dandelion symmetry by Mike Horton

Dream by Malcolm Shucksmith

Dream by Malcolm Shucksmith

Ducks on the dam by Steven Southward

Ducks on the dam by Steven Southward

Fiddlers Ferry by Malcolm Shucksmith

Fiddler's Ferry by Malcolm Shucksmith

Looking up at a chandelier by Hilary Bradshaw

Looking up at a chandelier by Hilary Bradshaw

Old railroad by Suzie Remadems

Old railroad by Suzie Remadems

Over the bridge by Joe Ehlen

Over the bridge by Joe Ehlen

Peacock butterfly by Mark Cavendish

Peacock butterfly by Mark Cavendish

Carr Mill Dam by Jefferson Payne

Carr Mill Dam by Jefferson Payne

Water reed reflection by Peter Boylan

Water reed reflection by Peter Boylan

Sherdley Park by Peter Boylan

Sherdley Park by Peter Boylan

Shadow markings by Sue Atherton

Shadow markings by Sue Atherton