A PLANNING application seeking to create a house of multiple occupation (HMO) above a town centre pub has been given the go-ahead.

Proposals which sought permission for a 12-bedroom HMO on the first and second floors above the Royal Alfred pub, on the junction of Bickerstaffe Street and Shaw Street, in St Helens, were sent to the council in November 2023.

The ground floor pub, which is close to St Helens Central railway station, will be unaffected by the proposed HMO, plans stated.

A heritage statement in the plans said: "The Public House at ground floor level will be unaffected by the proposed development.

"The proposals seek the conversion of the first and second floors to create 12 one-bedroom HMO units.

"The units will be accessed via its own dedicated entrance to the rear of the building via an existing external access staircase. No external works are proposed to any of the building elevations."

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It added: "There are no external works proposed to the elevations, there are also no extensions proposed, therefore there will be no effect on any existing or key unlisted buildings of merit or any key views or vistas."

In a report, recommending approval of the application, planning officer Kim Vo noted "a condition will be included to limit the occupation of the HMO to 12 people only".

This added: "The proposed use would also be in keeping with the adjoining residential apartments to the west.

"The proposal is therefore not deemed to result in any unacceptable impact upon residential and neighbouring amenities to the existing surrounding neighbours, or to the future occupiers of the proposed HMO."

Formal permission was granted.