A MAN who bought a train ticket for 16-17 railcard holders has been fined.

Atif Ali, 27, of Canberra Avenue, Thatto Heath, was given the fine by Warrington Magistrates' Court after the offence was proved in his absence.

According to a court sheet, on Monday, July 17, last year, Ali made a rail journey from Birmingham New Street to St Helens Central.

The defendant, who was 26 at the time, produced an advance single from Birmingham New Street to Liverpool Lime Street, with a 16-17 Railcard discount, and an off peak day return from Liverpool Lime Street to St Helens Central also with a 16-17 saver discount.

When asked to produce the railcard, he stated that he did not own one and his details were obtained.

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Following the incident a letter was sent to the defendant requesting an explanation, and a response was received and a Fixed Penalty Notice then sent.

The court sheet added the defendant was advised that the Fixed Penalty was a "more lenient step than processing the matter straight through to court".

However, there has been "no payment" made.

The fare Ali avoided was £42.10.

Ali was fined £220, made to pay compensation of £42.10, a £88 surcharge and £150 in costs, making a total of £500.10.