WHEN a UFC champion and the former World's Strongest Man come to train at your gym, you know you're doing something right.

That is the case for Evolution Fitness XL, a Duncan Street fitness centre that prides itself on providing top-of-the-range facilities and supporting the community in a variety of ways.

Moving from the former HAMMA premises on North Road to Duncan Street in 2021, Evolution has been involved in several community projects over the years, such as sponsoring local businesses and sports teams, delivering presents and opening as a warm hub over Christmas, and organising classes for the Ever Evolving special needs group.

Trying to grow the brand at the same time as its community focus, the Evolution team hit the jackpot recently as it is the current gym of choice for UFC champion Tom Aspinall and former World's Strongest Man Eddie Hall.

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St Helens Star: Tom and Eddie have been using the St Helens gym to trainTom and Eddie have been using the St Helens gym to train (Image: Mike Garner)
On the side of his fighting career, which saw him become the UFC Heavyweight champion last year, Atherton-based Tom Aspinall uses the top floor of Evolution Fitness as one of the hubs for his 'Aspinall BJJ' training school.

Founded in 2005, the training school is led by Tom, his dad Andy, and brother Joe, and teaches MMA, Judo, and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu to people of all ages.

St Helens Star: Mike and Evolution staff Luke (left), with Tom Aspinall and his dad AndyMike and Evolution staff Luke (left), with Tom Aspinall and his dad Andy (Image: Mike Garner)
After winning the World's Strongest Man competition in 2017, Eddie Hall has also chosen Evolution as the gym he will use in preparation for his debut MMA fight, against the current World's Strongest Man Mitchell Hooper in Qatar next month.

With both fighters using the Evolution gym, owner Mike Garner said that there is a great atmosphere at the facility at present, with young people in awe of the "superhero" strongman.

St Helens Star: Mike said there is a great atmosphere at the gym at presentMike said there is a great atmosphere at the gym at present (Image: Mike Garner)
Mike said: "Everyone is buzzing with Tom and Eddie at the moment, and we've been encouraging the teams we sponsor to come down and meet Eddie. He's like a superhero to these kids but he's so down to earth, and he's happy to take the time out to speak and have pictures with them.

"It is a bit of a 'pinch me' moment to be honest, and we are so proud that we're able to have a gym and facilities that can be used by people like them. 

"It's a win-win for all of us at the moment because there's a really good atmosphere at the gym and the fact we can get Tom and Eddie helps to grow our brand too."

St Helens Star: Special needs group Ever Evolving use the gym on a regular basisSpecial needs group Ever Evolving use the gym on a regular basis (Image: Mike Garner)
After growing the gym's brand and contacts, there are more exciting things to look forward to at Evolution as bodybuilder Martyn Ford and world heavyweight boxing champion Tyson Fury are also scheduled to come and train.

There is also a planned extension of the gym's second-floor facilities to cater for the growing demand while a podcast has also been launched that zones in on people's lives in sport or business, and the challenges they have faced.

The gym has also taken on another group of young people with behavioural or mental health issues, and while things are looking positive for the business, it is these types of initiatives that mean the most to the Evolution team.

St Helens Star: Mike on a podcast with St Helens-based amputee footballer Liam BurbridgeMike on a podcast with St Helens-based amputee footballer Liam Burbridge (Image: Mike Garner)
Mike added: "Things are really good for the business at the moment but we want to make sure that we are always involving and supporting the community.

"At the end of the day, our priority is to help people and help the community and this is what we continue doing."