PLANS for a new garage and MOT station have been approved – with the proposals “unlikely to lead to a significant increase” in the number of vehicles at the site.

An application for the change of use of Unit C, 18 Jackson Street, from a vehicle salvage site to a garage and MOT station has been given the green light.

According to the officer report, the application site relates to an existing building located on the western side of Jackson Street and consists of a rectangular piece of land, with the building currently occupied by several different businesses.

It says: “The proposal relates to part of the building known as Unit C, 18 Jackson Street and would involve the change of use to 205 sq m of internal floorspace to a garage and MOT centre with two allocated parking spaces to the rear yard.

“The council’s noise officer notes that from a noise perspective there is the potential for noise to be generated from the operation and use of the garage and MOT centre.

“The main noise sources associated with such use include those arising from repairs to motor vehicles, hammering, noise associated with the use of various hand-held power tools, grinding, drilling etc. and noise from any plant or equipment which supports the use.

“The site is already operating as a vehicle salvage, and the change of use to part of the building to a garage and MOT centre, which comprises of 205 sq m of internal floorspace is unlikely to lead to a significant increase in the number of vehicles at the premises. Furthermore, the MOT bay will only operate during the already established hours of the existing vehicle salvage.

“Therefore, there is unlikely to be any significant increase in noise at receptors. The council’s noise officer raises no objection to the change of use to Unit C, 18 Jackson Street, subject to several conditions to protect neighbouring amenity.”

The application has been approved subject to conditions.