A TOWN centre building society has won permission for new illuminated signage on its premises.

The proposals for the Nationwide branch on Hardshaw Street, St Helens, have been granted approval.

The application sought Advertisement Consent to replace and display two internally illuminated projection signs; two internally illuminated fascia signs, an ATM shroud, safety sign, and new vinyl window signage.

The existing high level signages will also be removed.

The replacement projection signs proposed include one of the signs to be located to the south elevation fronting on to Church Street and the other to be located to the east elevation fronting onto Hardshaw Street. They will be 0.6m high, 0.6m wide and 0.086m in depth. Both signs are to be internally illuminated with static illuminance levels of 250 candela per sqm.

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The fascia signs replacements will be internally illuminated aluminium and would wrap around from the south elevation fronting on to Church Street, to the east elevation fronting onto Hardshaw Street. They would be of similar dimensions to the existing fascia, with the proposed fascia boards to be finished in dark blue, with red acrylic logo face and opal acrylic letterings in white. The letterings to the sign are to be internally illuminated with static illuminance levels of 250 candela per sqm.

The existing ATM surround will be replaced with an aluminium frame finished in matt blue, with a red acrylic logo face and opal acrylic letterings in white. t

The safety manifestation signs to the east elevation will be replaced and new vinyl window signage will be installed to both elevations with new frosted vinyl internally appplied signages in white. The statutory signage to the east elevation will also be replaced.

Planning officer Kim Vo recommended approval, stating: "The application site is located within the St Helens Town Centre boundary and is surrounded by existing commercial and retail units which feature various advertisements of differing sizes, design and colours.

"The proposed signages would therefore, be seen in context with the commercial nature of this location and would not be overlooked by any residential properties".

Consent for the signage was granted.