WITH his films being recognised at film festivals across the world, Mike Clarke has forged himself an impressive career in the entertainment industry.

One of his most recent creations, ‘A Light Through Coloured Glass’, won more than 40 awards across global independent film festivals, in categories such as ‘Best Drama Film’, ‘Best Director’, and ‘Best Production’.

While speaking of his gratitude about the recognition on the independent film circuit, he said that his Pride of St Helens Arts award win is something that “means the most”.

Mike, who is the son of the Mayor of St Helens, Cllr Lynn Clarke, said: “This award means the most to me because it’s recognition from my hometown, and my family, friends, and partner are here to experience it with me.

“I’m so grateful for the recognition the films have had from the industry because it’s recognition for all the hard work that the team has put in, and thousands of films are submitted to these festivals.

“I also live in a town where people often don’t feel that they can make it in the entertainment industry, so hopefully this can encourage others to follow this path too.”

Following Mike’s success and recognition for his creations, there is more on the horizon for the director, including highly anticipated flicks ‘Squeeze’ and ‘Student Loans’.

While Mike’s work is being increasingly recognised across the globe, he has never forgotten his St Helens roots and many of his productions have been filmed in the region or contain a sense of northern grit and determination.

Frequently showcasing his releases in the town’s independent cinema Lucem House, Mike also featured as part of St Helens’ Borough of Culture this year for a live Q&A session following the showing of ‘A Light through Coloured Glass’.

Highly commended were successful animator Jamie Stockley and young stage actor Dom Cummings.