THE proud parents of Violet-Grace Youens are appealing to the community to help them put together Christmas packs for families with children in hospital over the festive period.

Violet-Grace Youens died aged four after she was hit by a stolen speeding car on Prescot Road in March 2017.

St Helens Star: Violet-Grace Youens

Before she died, NHS staff at both Whiston Hospital and Alder Hey Children’s Hospital did their best to save her life and Violet's family has been supported by them ever since.

The family set up Violet-Grace’s Gift, a charity in her name raising awareness of organ donation and helping the hospital at every opportunity.

This Christmas they’ve set themselves the challenge to put together toiletry packs and toys to help any children and their families during their time there, especially over the festive period.


Violet’s parents have set up three places for people to donate items and have already received many donated goods.

St Helens Star: Some of the donated itemsSome of the donated items (Image: Some of the donated items)

Glenn and Becky Youens, said:  "We donate to Alder Hey Hospital Paediatric Intensive Care Unit and Whiston Hospital Paediatric Department as both are very special to us.

"Both battled to save Violet-Grace and cared for us with hugs and wiping our tears.

"We know how tough it is being in hospital when your child is very unwell and we want to give back by helping take some of the strain away from parents and families stuck in hospital over the Christmas period, and put smiles on the children’s faces by donating toys.

"We remember when Violet was being cared for on PICU and we didn’t have a thing with us, it’s the last thing on your mind at that time.

St Helens Star: Some of the donated itemsSome of the donated items (Image: Some of the donated items)

"We decided to donate bits such as snacks, drinks, toothpaste, deodorant etc, just essential bits to help parents who are at the bedside of their critically unwell child.

"This helps us with our grief, knowing Violet goes on to help others. We are so grateful to all who has supported the charity over the years, and continues to do so, enabling us to provide this little bit of help to parents and children stuck in hospital over the festive period and throughout the year. Thank you all so much”

The drop off locations are: Air Nation on Lowe Street, Knox Self storage on Dentons Green Lane and The Griffin Inn on Church Lane in Eccleston.

December 22 is the last day for donations. 

St Helens Star: Donation appealDonation appeal (Image: Donation appeal)

St Helens Star: Donation appealDonation appeal (Image: Donation appeal)