DESPITE being one of the leading schools in the North West for special needs children, Lansbury Bridge staff say they were "overwhelmed but very excited" to win the title of school of the year.

The Parr-based school teaches children aged four to 14 and help them achieve their motto which is: Learn, Believe and Shine.

The room at the awards erupted with joy upon the school being announced the winner.

Speaking after being photographed with just some of her team, Carole Austin, headteacher, said: “We are overwhelmed to be honest but very excited to win as the staff give so much all the time and it’s so important that they get recognised for that."

Staff member Clare McNally added: “This is down to the children really, their strength is the core of what we do.

“This award highlights the hard work that goes in to allow each child, who can often be underestimated and under appreciated due to whatever life throws at them, to instead thrive and be the best version of themselves they can be.

“That’s why we do what we do, that’s why we are so proud tonight.”

Carole added: “That’s true, we are a family, we are more than a school it’s a community made up of the children, the amazing parents, the staff, governors and friends who make Lansbury Bridge what it is, and it’s so amazing to raise the profile of special needs in St Helens.

“Honestly it goes without saying, but we are unbelievably proud of our school and all of our children there and this award is so important to us, thank you so much for all who nominated us.

“My only regret is that we couldn’t bring everyone from the school tonight, because this is for everyone who makes Lansbury Bridge what it is, I’d have had you all there if I could.”

Gail Pennington, a governor at the school, added: “To be part of Lansbury Bridge in any way is a huge honour and the staff really are exceptional.

“I am so pleased that we were nominated alongside St Cuthbert’s and Sutton Academy [which were both highly commended] anyway, but for us to win is a shock, a lovely shock and we are all very pleased.”