NEW plans for houses on a former laboratory site have been drawn up.

An application for the demolition of the existing buildings and creation of 38 homes and associated parking, landscaping, amenity space and infrastructure at the Alfred Knight site on Prescot Road have been submitted.

Previous plans had been sent to the council for the site last year but were later  withdrawn, with an amended scheme now submitted.

A design and access statement in the plans, prepared by Stonebond Properties, states: "The site covers an area approximately 3.57 acres and comprises the former Alfred Knight International Ltd headquarters.

"The site has been vacant since 2018."

It adds: "The site itself features many buildings, including Eccleston Grange House" and is "heavily wooded within the western portion".

The application adds that the proposed development comprises a total of 38 homes, including eight two-bed houses; 14 three-bed houses; and 16 four-bed houses.

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The statements says that the design comments received from the Local Planning Authority from the previous withdrawn application "have been incorporated into the amended proposal".

Plans state: "The previous proposed apartment block has been replaced by eight dwellings in the form of mews and small parking court.

"This has opened an area of open space in the centre of the site and the proposed development footprint ensures retention of trees along all boundary of the site".

St Helens Star: The view looking southeast, towards the site entranceThe view looking southeast, towards the site entrance (Image: Google Earth/Stonebound Properties (St Helens Council Planning Portal))

It adds the proposed dwellings range from two to three storeys in height.

It is said: "Development will look to compliment this existing character while being careful not to repeat the form of existing residential stock that surround the boundaries of the site".

Plans say the scheme will be served off the existing site access and "a new 6m wide access road will be created within the site, with a turning areas provided".

Meanwhile, all homes "will benefit from two parking spaces, save for the two-bed mews to the south which benefit from one parking space plus visitor parking.

"Parking is provided up to the front or side of dwellings, with hedgerow landscaping proposed to soften the street scene".

The statement concludes: "The development at Prescot Road, St Helens will provide an attractive area to live with high quality designed homes .

"The scale and character of the proposals will ensure that the scheme will contribute to and enhance the immediate and surrounding area".

The application is on standard public consultation until Wednesday, December 20. 

A decision by council planners is expected by February 15, 2024.