A BURGLAR who ‘ransacked’ a small family garage near Northwich has had his sentencing postponed for a third time.

Mark Brennan tore off a section of Four Lanes Garage’s corrugated metal roof when he broke in on Wednesday, April 23.

According to a police crime scene report, he ‘ransacked’ the garage looking for valuables, but only got away with just one carton of Lambert and Butler Silver cigarettes worth £90.

Though he wore gloves, the 39-year-old managed to leave traces of DNA on the till, which police forensic officers used to trace him.

He was arrested at his home on Sunday, October 1, and was later charged, after giving a ‘no comment’ interview to police.

He admitted one count of burglary at his first appearance at Chester Magistrates Court on October 2.

Brennan, of Fleet Lane, St Helens, has now had his sentencing adjourned three times due to hold ups with his pre-sentence report, mostly because of him being ill, though the only medical evidence he's been able to provide is 'self-certification'. 

He is now set to appear at Warrington Magistrates Court for sentencing on Friday, December 8.

Brennan is already subject to a community order for burglary, which includes 110 hours unpaid work, after being convicted in August.