A GIRL accused of murdering Birchwood teenager Brianna Ghey tried to kill her with an overdose, Manchester Crown Court has heard.

On the third day of the trial, the jury heard more messages exchanged between the girl, identified only as X, and co-defendant Y, a boy, both aged 16, accused of Brianna’s murder.

The two are accused of planning and carrying out the murder of their 16-year-old victim, found stabbed 28 times in Culcheth Linear Park on February 11 this year.

The jury heard about messages between the defendants exchanged on January 23 this year, three weeks before Brianna’s death, when X’s “fascination” with Brianna “turned darker”.

X tells Y she knows a lot about US serial killer Richard Ramirez, known as The Night Stalker, adding: “I could talk about him for like two hours, including quotes and dates of stuff,” the trial heard.

They then exchange messages about X trying to kill Brianna with an overdose, the jury was told.

The court heard that X says that “ppl already know she is depressed so nobody would get sus … I gave her some today that should have been enough to kill her … but she didn’t die”.

The two then discuss giving Brianna ibuprofen gel in a McDonald’s milkshake and Y says the pills X gave Brianna “might be slowly killing her”, the jury heard.

Jurors also heard a statement from Brianna’s mother, Esther Ghey, who said: “I recall an incident when Brianna was really sick.

“She appeared to be in real pain and was screaming and crying for me to help her. She’s never been like that before and never since. This was not long before she was killed.”

Her statement said she believed the date of the incident was sometime in the week commencing January 23.

St Helens Star: The defendants are accused of killing Brianna in Culcheth Linear ParkThe defendants are accused of killing Brianna in Culcheth Linear Park (Image: Warrington Guardian)

Her statement continued: “I got home from work at 6pm, I said, ‘Hi’ up to Brianna, who was in her room. “I heard Brianna scream.

Ms Ghey said she ran upstairs to find her daughter “rolling around in agony, screaming in pain saying, ‘I think I’m going to die’.

“She was clearly in distress. I wondered if it could be an appendicitis. Brianna kept saying, ‘Don’t leave me! Don’t leave me,” the statement continued.

Her mother went to get her phone but heard a “loud splash”, and went back to her Briana’s room.

“Brianna was hanging off the side of the bed and had been sick all over the bedroom floor,” Ms Ghey said.

Ms Ghey said she then cleared up the mess and considered calling an ambulance, but Brianna’s pain began to subside.

“I thought it was some sort of sickness bug. She continued to improve through the evening.”

Ms Ghey said, generally, her daughter would stay in at weekends as she suffered from anxiety and did not go out on her own.

She added: “I know she would sometimes spend time with X after school. Brianna was always home from school before I get home from work, so I don’t know how often they spent time together.”

On the day Brianna died, Ms Ghey said she received a text message from her daughter to say she was on the bus on the way to meet X, saying: “I’m scared.”

Ms Ghey texted back “That’s well good”. She added: “I was really proud of her. I don’t think she ever saw it.”

St Helens Star: Brianna was found dead in the parkBrianna was found dead in the park (Image: Cheshire Police)

The court heard further text messages between the defendants, with X telling Y “I need help killing someone”, and naming the intended target as another child.

“He’s an easy kill … he deserves to die,” X adds, before searching on the internet for facts about serial killers, the jury was told.

X continues: “I want to really f** with his brain”, to which Y responds “I will go search Chinese torture”, and his internet searches includes medieval torture techniques, the court heard.

Y then suggests “genital mutilation” but X says she just wants him dead and Y responds about stabbing him in the neck, the trial heard.

X’s attention then moved to plans to kill a different child and they agreed to create a false Instagram account to entice him to meet, but the account was blocked, the court heard.

The jury was told that X named two other children they “need to kill” but said the aforementioned child is the easiest target, adding: “I want him to suffer. I want him to feel the pain of the knife.”

The trial heard that Y replied: “He will have the pain of knowing he will die,” after which X said if they cannot kill E, they can instead kill Brianna.

X then told Y that Brianna had agreed to meet her in Culcheth on January 28 and they talk of going to Linear Park, the trial heard, with X telling Y to slit Brianna’s throat then pass the knife to her, “I want to stab her at least once even if she’s dead jus coz its fun lol”.

The trial continues.

Cheshire Police and the Crown Prosecution Service remind everyone that criminal proceedings against both defendants are active, and that they have the right to a fair trial.

It is extremely important that there should be no commenting or sharing of information or speculation which could in any way prejudice these proceedings.

Due to their age, reporting restrictions are in place for both defendants, entitling them to anonymity, as well as other children involved in the evidence.