POLICE have issued a warning to parents after a teenage girl was taken ill following a suspected ketamine overdose.

As reported by the Star at the weekend, shortly before 9pm on Friday, officers were called after a group of young girls aged between 12 and 13 were reported as being under the influence of the drug known as ket and alcohol at the rear of St Helens town hall.

When police arrived one of the girls was unresponsive to any first aid and was taken to hospital suffering from a suspected overdose.

A second girl, who became aggressive towards officers and was also showing signs of drug use was detained.

Police returned her home to her parents and submitted a safeguarding report.

Senior officers say they are doing as much as they can to battle the use of ket among youths, but stressed that parents must play their part too.

There have been a series of warnings issued by officers about the drug in recent weeks.

In a statement, Merseyside Police said: “Whilst we get to the bottom of how and why this incident has come about tonight about can we please ask you get the phone, contact your children and find out what they're doing and who they're with?

"Looks for signs and symptoms that are out of character for them. Sluggish or lethargic demeanour etc.

“We will do as much as we can to reduce the use of ketamine (and all other controlled drugs and substances) as best we can but part of the battle takes place at home.”