A DAD who has lost 5cm in height as a result of his incurable cancer initially being misdiagnosed as a pulled groin is thanking hospital staff for saving his life.

Paul Harker from Rainhill, was 47 when he diagnosed with myeloma in July 2022, after his symptoms were initially dismissed as a pulled muscle.

By the time his incurable blood cancer was diagnosed he had several broken ribs, his spine was fractured in two places and he had holes, known as lesions, throughout his body. One of the spinal fractures was so severe it could have led to paralysis.

St Helens Star: Patient Paul Harker with his wife Helen and daughter PoppyPatient Paul Harker with his wife Helen and daughter Poppy (Image: Myeloma Uk)

He’s lost 5cm in height as a result.

It all started around two and half years ago, when Paul pulled a muscle in his groin while running – according to his GP.

He was prescribed painkillers but the aches never eased up and the pain got worse, but Paul pushed through the pain unaware that his undiagnosed cancer had begun to weaken his bones, making him prone to fractures.

In December 2021, he was scuba diving when his tank slipped and smashed against his ribcage. Unbeknown to him, several of his ribs broke on impact.

Finally in May 2022, he was watching a football match when, in the heat of the moment, a fellow fan jumped on his back, causing it to break.

St Helens Star: Paul with his wife HelenPaul with his wife Helen (Image: Myeloma UK)

That’s when he was finally seen by the team at St Helens and Whiston Hospitals, who he is now thanking for supporting him through intensive treatment and saving his life.

The now 49-year-old said: “They’ve saved my life basically – they’re a great bunch of people.

“I had a C7 compound fracture which could have resulted in paralysis but I was extremely lucky that they discovered it when they did.

“I hadn’t heard of myeloma when I was diagnosed and I fell to bits.

“When you hear the word ‘cancer’ you think you’re dead and buried, that that’s you finished.

“However, they looked after me and all worked above and beyond to get me enrolled on a clinical trial. They made me feel reassured that myeloma is something I can live with.

“My family and I are extremely grateful to the haematology clinical nurse specialists and doctors as well as the clinical trials, chemotherapy and stem cell transplant teams.

“All showed empathy, compassion, understanding and managed to keep us laughing during the treatment journey.

St Helens Star: Paul with his daughter PoppyPaul with his daughter Poppy (Image: Myeloma UK)

“Even though you can’t cure it, it’s very treatable and now I’m back in the game. If there’s any problem or I have any questions I can ring them. They’re always there to support me and my family.”

Myeloma occurs in the bone marrow and currently affect more than 24,000 people in the UK.

It is a relapsing-remitting cancer, meaning that although many patients will experience periods of remission following treatment, the disease will inevitably return. More than half of patients face a wait of more than five months to receive the right diagnosis and around a third are diagnosed through A&E.

While it is incurable, myeloma is treatable in the majority of cases. Treatment is aimed at controlling the disease, relieving the complications and symptoms it causes, and extending and improving patients’ quality of life.

Paul, who previously worked as a printer, added: “I was in a lot of pain but I just carried on. When I started treatment, I had to sleep sitting up for three months due to the discomfort and reduction in my mobility associated with the breaks in my back.

St Helens Star: Paul with his daughter and wife

“The stem cell transplant was a game-changer for me. The drugs I’m on now are doing what they’re supposed to. The aches are still there but I don’t let it prevent me from getting on with daily routine.

“I’m back at the gym and spending time doing the things I enjoyed prior to having myeloma.

“I know I’ve got this for the rest of my life but the treatments I have received have put my myeloma into remission - and treatments are improving all the time.

“I’m back to normal, making plans and looking forward to going on holiday.

“While I know there will be bumps in the road, hopefully, I’ll be able to ride this wave for a long time before anything changes.”

St Helens and Whiston Hospitals have each scooped a national award for their commitment to patients living with Myeloma, to read more, click here