RESIDENTS are being urged to take proactive steps to secure their keyless vehicles.

With increasing numbers of people investing in keyless cars the Knowsley’s Local Policing Chief Inspector wants residents to know some easy actions they may take to stop keyless car thieves.

He said: “Although cars today are generally a lot more secure than they were 20 years ago, keyless cars come with a unique set of vulnerabilities that owners need to take seriously.

“To be clear – if your key fob has a button on it that you need to push to unlock your car – it’s not keyless.

“Keyless cars open automatically when you get near the car as long the fob is in your pocket.

“Yes – it’s convenient. But keyless car thieves only need to be within a few metres of your vehicle for as little as 20 seconds to get it open, get the ignition started and be off.

“They use a ‘relay device’ to basically clone your key, even while you feel like it’s safely in your house or your pocket.

“The good news is that there a couple of inexpensive quick wins you can use to protect your car.

“The first is a Faraday pouch. You can get them online, they aren’t expensive, and all you do is put your key (and your spare key) in there and it stops those relay devices from working.

“Just keep it stored in there. For a bit of extra confidence, you can even test it yourself.

“Put your fob in the Faraday pouch and walk up to the car with it. If the car doesn’t unlock, it’s working.

“Some people keep their fobs in a metal tin. In some cases that can work – but it depends on the tin. Test it out to be sure.”

“Technology might have moved on, but a steering wheel lock is still a good precaution. Keyless car thefts can be so fast that thieves feel emboldened to try their luck. A good old fashioned steering wheel lock is really going to slow that down and will act as a good deterrent for targeting your vehicle.

“Obviously we’d always advise people to park their car in a locked garage, but if you haven’t got one you can still park defensively: close to your home, with the car facing the house. Lights and CCTV are always a good idea for any kind of crime prevention.

“Finally, when you get out of your car, always check it’s actually locked before you walk away. Keyless car thieves can use electronic signal jamming technology to stop your key working, hopping in and driving off as soon as you’re out of sight. So check. And if you’re unsure, lock it manually.”

Merseyside Police are encouraging anyone who has witnessed suspicious behaviour which they think might be linked to motor vehicle theft to contact @MerpolCC or 101 to report it.