PLANS for a GP surgery in the town centre have been submitted.

Proposals to change the use of the first floor of the site, on Shaw Street, from an office to the surgery have been put forward.

The plans also include the installation of external air conditioning condenser units at the building.

The design and access statement says the current use of the building at ground floor is a pharmacy, which is to remain, and the first floor is currently office use with the proposal to change this into a GP surgery.

It adds: “The proposal involves the installation of roof mounted AC condenser units at the existing pharmacy and the change of use of the first floor of the existing property to a doctors surgery. The site is located within the George Street conservation area in St Helens.

“The conservation area is located in the historical part of St Helens, the conservation area has approximately 73 properties within an area of nearly four hectares.

"Many of the properties are in commercial use, such as shops, retail outlets, public offices and offices.

“The conservation area is therefore in a wholly urban location at the traditional part of St Helens town centre, retaining a collection of 19th century buildings in different styles and materials as well as the pattern of streets and passages.”