A CABINET member has been left "delighted" after plans for new skatepark equipment at a park were approved.

At the planning committee meeting on Tuesday, councillors granted permission for a new skate park facility in Sherdley Park, replacing an old half-pipe at the other end of the park which is prone to flooding.

What do the plans involve?

Located adjacent to an existing car park, children’s play area and outdoor gym, the new skatepark – measuring 30 metres in length and 20 metres in width – will consist of various ramps, pipes, wall-rides and jump boxes, including a double ramp, low quarter pipe and a number of grind rails, as suggested by local skaters.

Funded through Section 106 funding as a result of housing developments in the local area, with a contribution from the council through its parks improvement fund generated from external use of the park, the investment – totalling more than £100,000 – will enhance skating provision in the south and west of the borough, bringing together a range of leisure activities for residents of all ages and abilities to enjoy in one of St Helens’ biggest recreational green spaces.

Welcoming the decision, Cllr Andy Bowden, the council’s cabinet member for environmental services, said: “Sherdley Park is an important asset, enjoyed by residents from across the borough and beyond, so I’m delighted to see this application passed which is a fine example of Section 106 funding and money generated from the park when used for events being used as part of the planning process for the benefit of the local community.

“Skateboarding and scootering are popular activities practised and enjoyed here in our borough, particularly by children and young people, with the skatepark in Victoria Park well-used.

“Parks are the perfect place for residents to enjoy recreational activities that promote a healthy lifestyle, whether it’s running, cycling skateboarding, scootering, or roller skating, so it’s important that we work with those with an interest in these hobbies to ensure the appropriate level of infrastructure is in place as we look to attract more people into our parks to enjoy the beautiful spaces that they are.”

Planning permission was granted subject to conditions.

Sherdley Park played host to the giant Reminisce Music Festival on Saturday.

There has been criticims from Star readers in recent years of a lack of investment by the council in the park's facilities.