DESPITE pursuing a unique and creative career choice, an animator and artist has drawn up a successful future that has now come "full circle".

After studying graphic design and IT at Carmel College, Jamie Stockley was encouraged to follow his side passion of animation - in spite of his concern about a lack of local jobs in the field.

Deciding to follow his artistic passion, Haydock-based Jamie has gone on to work on many highly-rated animation shows, such as Tim Burton's Frankenweenie, Roary the Racing Car, and the BAFTA-winning Clangers.

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St Helens Star: Jamie has worked on animation shows such as the BAFTA-winning ClangersJamie has worked on animation shows such as the BAFTA-winning Clangers (Image: Jamie Stockley)

Gaining years of experience in stop-motion animation and puppet making, Jamie has now risen to become an Art Director at Altrincham-based Factory Create; a highly-respectable animation studio that has contributed to countless shows and series.

More recently, Jamie has also been freelancing his art and 'doodles' for a range of commercial and residential clients around the North West, such as Halloween and Christmas displays as well as large-scale business murals.

And after forging his own artistic path, Jamie has been giving talks at his old college and university to encourage more people into the creative industries - and has also been featured in the World of Glass' 'Creative Roots' exhibition which celebrates the work and achievements of local residents.

St Helens Star: Jamie at his section of the 'Creative Roots' exhibition at the World of GlassJamie at his section of the 'Creative Roots' exhibition at the World of Glass (Image: Jamie Stockley)

Jamie, 37, said: "I've always been passionate about animation but I remember thinking that animation was more of a dream than a reality, being from St Helens.

"After giving these educational talks, it feels like everything has come full circle now I'm the one giving the advice to young people - and the World of Glass exhibition made me emotional because my granddad always used to take me there when I was younger.

"I've had some really great feedback from my work and murals, which is really rewarding for me. 

"I love what I do and I don't really have a day off because I'm still just really excited by the work, and especially now that I can show younger people that they can do this."

St Helens Star: Jamie presenting his mural at the 'Chasing the Stigma' mental health charity office in LiverpoolJamie presenting his mural at the 'Chasing the Stigma' mental health charity office in Liverpool (Image: Jamie Stockley)