PROPOSALS to turn a four-bedroom property into a house of multiple occupation (HMO) can go ahead after the council ruled planning permission was not needed.

Plans for a change of use from a four-bedroom house to six-bedroom HMO at 137 Ramford Street, Parr, were sent in.

A planning statement, drawn up by MAT Design Limited, on behalf of applicant Mr A Kanthanathan, said the bid "proposes the change of use of the existing four-bedroom single dwelling to be used as a small house in multiple occupation, comprising of six bedrooms (for six residents), a large kitchen and large bathroom."

The ground floor of the building consists of a retail unit.

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In a report, planning officer Aqib Saghir recommended granting a certficate of lawful development for the proposed for the conversion. 

The report said: "There is no planning history that restricts the use of the building to one falling solely within Use Class C3.

"The building therefore benefits from permitted development rights to change the use of the building.

"The change of use of the building to a HMO with a maximum of six residents is therefore considered to be permitted development and planning permission would therefore not be required for the change of use".

A decision notice added: "Under the terms of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development Order) (England) 2015 the proposed development as defined on the submitted application is considered permitted development".