PROPOSALS for six homes on greenfield land have been granted approval.

An outline planning application for houses at a site near Houghtons Lane, Eccleston, was submitted to the council in August 2022.

The land subject to the application is to the west of Houghtons Lane and east of Higher Barrowfield farm.

In a planning statement, drawn up by agents Cass Associates, on behalf of applicant Karen Cliffe, it was said: “The site is at the edge of the urban area of Eccleston and is bounded on three sides by residential development.

Initially, plans had sought permission for up to nine homes at the site but this was later amended to for up to six.

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In a report recommending outline approval for the development, council planning officer Natasha Ayres said: “The site location and the small size, the site presents an opportunity to deliver high quality housing in a sustainable location which will act to support the ambitions for growth in St Helens.

“The site is considered a sustainable location for housing”.

It was added the the principle of the creation of six dwellinsg in this location is “acceptable”.

St Helens Star: Plans for the site have been approvedPlans for the site have been approved (Image: Cass Associates (St Helens Council Planning Portal))

The report added: “The area is characterised by a mixture of residential properties in terms of building types with no set style of housing.

“Considering the issue of the closeness to the highway for two of the dwellings fronting Houghton Lane, the dwellings would be no closer to the road than other properties along St Marys Avenue (and) Houghtons Lane and this is seen as an acceptable concept and consistent with the prevailing layout, building lines and street scene.

“The proposed dwellings are provided are of good size which will presumably provide adequate internal space.

“They all provide good outlook as well as private outdoor amenity space.

“The trees along the eastern boundary are protected by tree preservation orders and the development has been pulled away from these trees accordingly”.

Outline planning permission was granted.

Details of the layout, scale and appearance are to be provided in a future reserved matters application.