A FUNDRAISING campaign has been launched to help get a “popular” dad-of-two who has cancer the “treatment he deserves”.

Barry Farrell, was diagnosed with myeloma cancer in 2015, a form of blood cancer.

He has undergone numerous treatments and has been in and out of remission over the years.

After the cancer came back, Barry, 55, was told the devastating news that a drug he had been taking was not working anymore and that there was no treatment left on the NHS for him to have.

St Helens Star: Barry with his daughters at a younger ageBarry with his daughters at a younger age (Image: Submitted)

Barry has two daughters Cara, 26, who lives in Australia, and Ellie, 22.

After they conducted non-stop research to see what else could be done for him, Ellie said they found a place in Spain that can offer dendritic cell therapy which is a form of immunotherapy.

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In the hope this can offer a lifeline to get Barry, from Dentons Green, back in remission, a fundraising page has been set with the help of Barry’s friends Ste and Vicki Woods.

The page has a target of £30,000 which is how much the treatment starts from.

St Helens Star: Barry FarrellBarry Farrell (Image: Submitted)

“It might help him get into remission, that is what we are hoping,” said Ellie.

“We are looking at doing fundraising events.”

A former coach at Blackbrook rugby club, with Saints captain James Roby among those who he had under his wing, Barry is a “popular guy” in the town.

This has been indicated by the donations which have already been made including £5,000 by his friend Andy Mikhail.

St Helens Star: Barry, with friendsBarry, with friends (Image: Submitted)

Ellie says her dad, who works as a graphic designer whose projects have included at the Eccleston Arms pub on Prescot Road, is still finding the strength to work “non-stop” on his computer at home, even on days when he is not feeling good.  

“I would just really appreciate anything that people pay so much and how much people have been contacting me and my dad," said Ellie.

“It would mean the world to get him the treatment he needs and deserves to get him back into remission, so he can live his life as he should."

St Helens Star: Barry, with friend Ste WoodsBarry, with friend Ste Woods (Image: Submitted)

She added: “He has done so much stuff so it is to give a bit back and get the treatment that he deserves.

“He is really strong and has fought for so many years, he deserves an easy life.”

  • To donate and help Barry, click here.