‘ENERGY efficient’ proposals to redevelop vacant land and build a property in Moss Bank have been withdrawn.

The application for the land off Club Street proposed the redevelopment and landscaping of vacant land, and the erection of one dwelling.

The design and access statement said the proposals aim to be ‘energy efficient and sustainable’, utilising a brownfield site within a residential setting to ‘satisfy the need’ for family housing within the area.

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It added: “The proposals look to demonstrate how a constrained, urban windfall site can be sensitively developed to create a high-quality, sustainable home that responds to its specific environment.

“Windfall sites have a small but significant role in satisfying the housing needs of St Helens.

“The specific qualities of the site provide an opportunity to implement philosophies of the local plan – to reinforce St Helens’ unique woodland character and reinforce the urban edges.”

Furthermore, in comments objecting to the application, a resident stated that the proposed dwelling is not of a design which is ‘in keeping with the scale, or appearance of the other dwellings’ on Club Street.

The plans have been withdrawn.