A POSTMISTRESS has had the invitation of a lifetime to attend King Charles III’s Coronation ceremony as one of only 2,000 guests invited to Westminster Abbey for the historic occasion.

Sara Barlow will be mixing with Royalty, Royal family members and close friends of King Charles. Some seats have been set aside for members of the public who do great work for their communities.

Sara is one of those very lucky recipients, whose name was randomly selected from a list of people who had recently received New Year or Birthday Honours.

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Sara said: “I never, ever, thought that I would have been invited to the King’s Coronation. It’s mad!

"When the email came through one Saturday afternoon from the Honours Committee, I read it and couldn’t believe it. I kept laughing and smiling with joy and amazement. It’s such a privilege to be invited.

“All guests have to be in London the night before ready for the Coronation the following morning and have to take their seats long before the service.

"I could be sitting next to Royalty, a politician or a celebrity or someone like me who does voluntary work for their community.

“I realised that this clashed with a planned Friday night out to enjoy cocktails with lots of girlfriends. I had to phone up to explain that I wouldn’t be able to go out with them after all. I couldn’t turn down the Coronation invite!

“I’m waiting for full details of dress code, but I have already been busy looking round the shops as my daughter is getting married in the August and I was invited to the wedding of two of my big Post Office Drop and Go customers who have just got married.”

Last May, Sara, an ardent Liverpool FC fan, was invited to a Royal Garden party at Buckingham Palace in recognition of her receiving a British Empire Medal in the Queen’s Birthday Honours in June 2021.

In the five years that Sara has been Postmistress for Rainhill she has made a huge difference to her community. Last May she was elected as a Parish councillor for her Merseyside village.

Sara was also chair of the Rainhill Community Support Group which was set up to support the people of Rainhill during the coronavirus outbreak with lots of local volunteers.

Even before the pandemic Sara had already gained deserved praise as Postmaster for Rainhill for her care for customers, especially those who are deaf, living with dementia, living alone or those with mental health issues.

Sara knew sign language as her uncle is deaf. She taught this skill to her staff to help communicate with their three deaf customers. The staff are dementia trained and are more patient and understanding. They also keep an eye out for regular customers and if they have not been in, they then check on their wellbeing.

Rainhill Post Office and Rainhill village will be fully decorated for the Coronation.

Two of the Rainhill Community Support volunteers, Edna North and Linda Walker, used to knit treats to help brighten up people’s lives during the pandemic. They also knitted an ornate Postbox topper for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

Now they are planning another special Coronation creation. The community is said to be buzzing with excitement that Sara, their postmistress, councillor and friend, will be actually at the King’s Coronation.

For last year’s Platinum Jubilee there was a long weekend of celebrations and Coronation events galore are again being held in Rainhill. After a fantastic opportunity to attend the Coronation ceremony, Sara may even make it back in time to celebrate with her community during the long Bank Holiday weekend.