STAR readers have called for action over the issue of “double parking” on a busy town centre street.

After the Star ran a reader letter about the issue, residents have shared the difficulties they have experienced in the area.

They said the concentration of numerous takeaways in the area has led to problems due to the volume of parked vehicles.

'An accident is bound to occur'

On the Star’s social media channels, Colin Entry suggested a “one-way” system.

He wrote: “The Takeaway Triangle which has formed on North Road and Duke Street is great for the businesses and people obviously want it, but the road layout and lack of parking is an issue.

“Would a one-way system with 15-minute parking on one side help?

Meanwhile, another said the situation is like an accident waiting to happen.

Reader Cheryl Heyes said on Facebook: “Totally agree the double parking on the corner of Duke Street and Lowe Street is dangerous.

“Between the double parking with multiple cars, parking on the corner and pedestrians crossing, an accident is bound to occur.

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Emma Jolley said walking down the street with a wheelchair user is a “nightmare”.

She wrote: “I walk down Duke Street with a wheelchair user. It’s an absolute nightmare trying to get past the Polish shop and the takeaway.

“Worst thing is the kerbs are high and it’s a busy road so if you can’t get past because of the cars, you have to walk back up to the top to safely cross the road and then walk back down the other side”.

Meanwhile, Kev Poole added: “Thank God somebody else has said it. Taxi drivers and food delivery drivers are the main culprits.

“Lost count how many times we’ve slammed on because of this. I’ve put in a request for the metal railings on the curbs several times but it falls on def ears with our council”.

Reader Rob Lowe also pointed to issues on nearby North Road.

He said: “Bottom of North road is bad, cars parked on the side with restrictions on no matter what time you pass.

“Buses and HGVs always squeezing through, accident waiting to happen. Council not interested, just say we will make it a hot spot but nothing gets done.”