DRAMATIC video footage has captured the moment the back of Earlestown Conservative Club collapsed.

Emergency crews were called to the former building on Earle Street on Saturday after the rear of the building appeared to have crumbled.

Concerns had been raised over the decaying site on Earle Street earlier this month amid fears youths were playing on the site.

Footage sent to the Star, courtesy of K9-RAW NEWTON, shows the moments the rear of the building crumbled.

In a statement the deputy leader of St Helens Borough Council, Seve Gomez-Aspron said the local authority has served a Dangerous Building notice on the property.

St Helens Star: The back of the building after it had collapsedThe back of the building after it had collapsed (Image: Cllr Terry McGuire)

This means it is not in imminent danger of collapse, but is structurally unsound, he said.

The Newton councillor added: “This forces the owner to take action in the coming week, likely to demolish the structure.

“The council does not intervene with private buildings unless there’s an imminent and immediate risk to public safety in the public realm.

“Once the site is cleared, hopefully work can start on the plans that have been approved.”

Meanwhile, Newton-le-Willlows West Councillor Terry McGuire said he held discussions with the council building department today.

He added that a meeting was held on site including structural surveyors,the buildings owners, demolition contractors and St Helens Council.

St Helens Star: The former Earlestown Conservative ClubThe former Earlestown Conservative Club (Image: Google Streetview)

He added: “Considerations are now being made with all relative checks and paperwork needed to possibly commence demolition.

Concerns over access to the building

“Councillor Karl Collier and I concerns are that the back of the building could become accessible again.

“We strongly believe that the entire back section onto the road needs steel shuttering to ensure nobody can access, until demolition takes place. We do hope they listen to this proposal “Thankfully nobody was inside when the building when it collapsed. Let’s eliminate that possibility totally.”

A planning application has previously been drawn up seeking permission to demolish the vacant club and create 16 apartments in its place