A NEW lung health check-up initiative, which is believed to have saved hundreds of lives across England, is being rolled out in St Helens.

People aged 55-74 in St Helens borough with a history of smoking and registered with a local GP surgery are now starting to receive a formal invitation to have a free check.

Targeting those most at risk of lung cancer, NHS England say the checks have been proved to significantly improve the earlier detection of the disease.

Thousands of people across the country have already taken up the opportunity to assess their lung health.

Figures show 1200 people have been diagnosed with cancer through the programme.

Cancers detected at an early stage

Three-quarters of these cancers were detected at an early stage; far earlier than would have been likely without these checks.

People diagnosed with lung cancer at the earliest stage are nearly 20 times more likely to survive for five years than those whose cancer is caught late.

Within the Merseyside and Cheshire region, so far targeted lung health checks have identified 111 cancers so far, of which, 68.5per cent were at stage 1.

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This has enabled 74 people diagnosed with early-stage lung cancer to receive curative treatment.

Lung cancer is UK's biggest cancer killer

Lung cancer is the UK’s biggest cancer killer, claiming the lives of more people than breast, prostate and pancreatic cancers combined.

It is a particular issue in St Helens, with local incidence above that of the national average.

St Helens is currently ranked 37th highest area nationally for people living with lung, trachea and bronchus cancer and incidences of lung cancer and cases of premature death both higher than the national average.

Simple checks

The simple lung checks provide a way to significantly change the situation, say health leaders.

They could revolutionise long-term lung cancer survival rates in the area by detecting the disease at the earliest opportunity, even before symptoms appear

 However, in order for the checks to work, people need to take up the opportunity, when invited to do so by the NHS, and make an appointment – even if they feel well.

Difficult to detect

Dr Hilary Flett, clinical director for St Helens Cares, added: “Lung cancer can be difficult to detect early which is why so many people are currently diagnosed when the disease has become incurable.

"However, as we are seeing from the existing programmes, these checks are helping us to diagnose many more people earlier, when it is far easier to treat.

“This is why we want everyone who is invited to take up the opportunity and make an appointment.

"The chances are you will not have any symptoms when you receive your invitation, but this should not stop you making an appointment. You should have the check whether you feel fine or not.

“The main aim of these checks is to find cancer at the earliest opportunity before there may even be any symptoms, so, just as you would go for a breast screening or send off your bowel screening kit, we now want you to have your lungs checked.

"For the majority of those who attend, everything will be fine, while for those who do have something wrong, catching it early can make all the difference.”

The first residents in St Helens to receive their invitations to have their free lung health check are those in Parr, Bold and Sutton.

The initiative will then gradually roll out across the borough including Newton, Earlestown in March; Moss Bank, Rainford, Windle, Eccleston, West Park, Thatto Heath and Rainhill in July; and Haydock, Billinge and Senley Green in December.

Those invited will have an appointment with a lung health nurse, either over the phone or face-to-face.

Those then considered to have a higher risk of lung cancer will be offered a low dose CT scan in a mobile truck located within their community.

This scan is far more accurate at picking up cancer than a standard X-ray. The programme also offers help and advice on how best to quit smoking for those who are ready to make the change.

The 55-74 age group chosen nationally for the programme reflects the fact that the incidence of lung cancer increases with age and checks have been found to benefit people in this age group the most.

For more information about the programme, visit https://www.lhch.nhs.uk/lung-health-check/lung-health-check-st-helens/

If you have had a persistent cough for three weeks or more, please contact your GP practice.

It is probably something other than cancer but it is best to get checked out. You can also contact NHS111 for advice, see https://111.nhs.uk/

If you have a history of smoking, and are eligible for a check, you will receive a letter from the NHS inviting you to make an appointment. People will be contacted over the coming months as the checks roll out across St Helens.