PROPOSALS to demolish a bungalow and build two new homes in Rainhill have been unanimously approved by the council’s committee, despite some resident objections to the plans.

The application for the site, on Owen Road, went before the council’s planning committee at its meeting on Tuesday, January 10.

Recommended for approval

Planning officer Natasha Ayres recommended members to grant planning permission, subject to conditions.

A report to the committee had said the area is characterised by "large mature trees and a leafy green street scene", with substantial sandstone boundary walls at the application site and dwellings on Lawton Road.

The front boundary wall of the application site is allocated within the St Helens local plan policies map as being within the Rainhill residential conservation area, which continues down Lawton Road.

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The application proposes the demolition of an existing bungalow and the erection of two new dwellings – both would be four-bedroom properties.

The access to the site and front boundary wall would remain unchanged, while parking areas would be provided at the front of the site.

The report to the committee says there was a "concern" from officers over the original site layout due to the introduction of the second access.

“The original proposals would not have preserved or enhanced the conservation area and would have impacted the character of the area and street scene due to the fact the sandstone wall is considered an important unifying feature of the road,” it added.

“The sandstone wall is clearly an attractive element in the street scene and has been specifically marked out as being a positive feature in the conservation area.

“The scheme no longer involves any loss or removal of the sandstone wall and amended plans have been received that will use the one existing access for both the proposed dwellings.

“As such and due to the amendment to the site layout plan the proposal would result in an attractive development making a positive contribution to the visual amenity of the site and surrounding street scene

“The proposal would not cause harm to the conservation area or the safety or capacity of the highway network.”

What was said at the meeting

Ms Aryes told the meeting concerns were raised in objections over potential “loss of light and loss of privacy” but said officers were satisfied there would be “no detrimental impact on the surrounding neighbours”.

Committee member Cllr John Hodkinson said: “Looking at the plans and looking at the location, I think there’s a lot to be gained by this development and I think it’s pointless having a bungalow that nobody wants to entertain either living in or restoring.”

Cllr James Tasker added: “The sandstone wall, which is the historical element of the property, that’s going to be unaffected.

“People have mentioned about highways issued but If i’s only going to be the entrance and if the wall stays as it is, there’s not going to be the danger of a second entrance on the junction of Lawton Road and Owen Road.”

Members voted unanimously in favour of the plans.