A COMMUNITY book shop is getting ready to celebrate its first anniversary and is inviting locals to join.

St Helens Book Stop on Bridge Street has been at the heart of the community for almost a year and to celebrate this milestone, the shop is organising a Mad Hatter-themed tea party this weekend.

The literary store will hold a day-long celebration on Saturday, the day the shop turns one, with everyone in the community welcomed to attend the free event.

Nik Lowe, manager of the book shop, expressed his gratitude towards the community as the store reaches its first birthday.

He said: "It means the world to us. It was a bit of a difficult seller at first as you don’t expect a book shop to do really well with the current climate, especially with independent book shops struggling as it is, but I feel like because of the unique position that we are in as a community book shop, it’s a real proclamation of what we’re doing and it shows we’re doing the right thing and are on the right path.

"The welcoming has been incredible; the people of St Helens have really opened up and it’s been lovely.

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"I feel very honoured to just be able to steward this for people. We want to say a massive thank you to everybody, both shareholders and customers, for supporting us.

"I can honestly say hand on heart every single person who’s walked through the door has been absolutely amazing; the customers, volunteers, everybody we work with, the trustees, and the suppliers."

Following the book shop’s first anniversary is 'exciting' plans ahead, as the business hopes to expand by introducing a community hub; aimed to open by next Spring.