MORE than 2,000 people from St Helens have signed an online petition calling for an immediate general election, figures show.

The economic turmoil brought on by the Government's recent mini-budge has caused anger in communities across the country.

After less than two months in office, numerous public figures have suggested that Prime Minister Liz Truss should step down in order to restore stability.

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St Helens Star: Liz Truss has come under fire following the government's mini-budgetLiz Truss has come under fire following the government's mini-budget (Image: PA)

With concerns about the economy, energy bills, and the ongoing war in Ukraine, an online petition has been created to call for an immediate general election.

As Liz Truss was elected Prime Minister through the Conservative Party membership, almost 650,000 people have signed the petition.

The petition states that the rest of the country should have a say on who should lead us through the current crises.

Data shows that 1,006 people from the St Helens North constituency and 1,165 people from St Helens South & Whiston had signed the petition, as of 3pm on Monday, October 17.

Across the North West, more than 75,000 people have signed the petition, which is currently the most signed open petition on the Parliament website.

St Helens Star: Jeremy Hunt has reversed much of the government's tax cuts from the mini budgetJeremy Hunt has reversed much of the government's tax cuts from the mini budget (Image: PA)

After revesing much of the government's tax cuts in their mini-budget, new Chancellor Jemery Hunt has quelled calls for a snap general election.

Speaking to the BBC, Mr Hunt said that "what the country wants now is stability" and that the government will be judged on what they deliver over the next 18 months.

In a response to the petition, the Government said: "The UK is a Parliamentary democracy and the Conservative Party remains the majority party.

"The Prime Minister has pledged to ensure opportunity and prosperity for all people and future generations."