THE wife of triple amputee Andy Reid hails him a 'superhero' as he reaches the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro.

Rainford’s Andy became a triple amputee after an explosion on the frontline in Afghanistan in 2009.

St Helens Star: Andy during his challengeAndy during his challenge (Image: Andy on his trek)

He has used his story to inspire others, setting up the Standing Tall Foundation, and his inspirational efforts earned him the MBE.

The dad-of-two has now reached the peak as of 3pm on October 12 2022, making him the first triple amputee from the UK to scale the 18,000 feet to summit of Kilimanjaro.

St Helens Star: Andy during his challengeAndy during his challenge (Image: Andy during his challenge)

The challenge coincided with the 13th anniversary of the day he sustained his life altering injuries, however he managed to reach the summit a day early. 

In the process, he’s raised funds for the Standing Tall Foundation, a charity he co-founded to support the delivery of mental health counselling and addiction support services.

His amazing challenge has so far raised £11,163.

St Helens Star: Andy during his challengeAndy during his challenge (Image: Andy during his challenge)

His proud wife Claire said: “I always knew he would do it, he’s strong and determined and worked hard for this but to actually see pictures of him there was one of the most proud and incredible moments of my life.

“I’ve seen what he’s gone through and he is just an inspiration and sets himself crazy challenges but his motto is ‘because it’s the right thing to do’ and that’s how he thinks.

St Helens Star: Andy before his injuriesAndy before his injuries (Image: Andy before his injuries)

“It’s been physically hard for him and the kids have missed him so much because he’s an incredible dad but when I told them he reached the top they just said he’s a superhero and he is.

“We just can’t wait to have him home, obviously I’ll have to force him to rest because he just never does, but honestly I’d like to tell him that we are so proud of you and we love you and can’t wait for you to be home.”

St Helens Star: Andy immediately after his injuriesAndy immediately after his injuries (Image: Andy immediately after his injuries)

You can donate to this inspiring challenge here. All of the funds raised will be used to provide vital mental health counselling sessions, physical activity initiatives, resilience training courses in schools, and addiction support services.

St Helens Star: Andy with his MBEAndy with his MBE (Image: Andy Reid)