A SIX-YEAR-OLD girl impressed award winning singer Alicia Keys with her singing via Instagram Live.

Luchiana Julienne-Ballingall from Sutton loves to sing.

Since the age of two she has been having regular singing lessons and with her family’s connection to Italy, she is also learning to sing some parts in Italian too.

However on Tuesday last week (August 9) she got a chance to perform via Instagram for her favourite artist Alicia Keys when she was connected via a live.

Her proud mum Chantelle Julienne, 33, said: “Luchiana loves to sing, he dad has a connection to Naples so both Luchiana and her brother Dante have Italian names and we introduced the language into her singing lessons too.

“She keeps saying she wanted to go on Britain’s Got Talent so we have been practising her singing and her favourite song is This Girl is on Fire by Alicia Keys.

St Helens Star: LuchianaLuchiana

“Well with her only being little bedtime is normally 6.30pm, but with it being the summer holidays on Tuesday we stayed a bit later at her best friends house and when we got home I put her younger brother to bed then I got the notification that Alicia Keys was on Instagram Live.

“On Live you can have people join your conversation and I’d messaged previously about how much Luchiana loves her and whether or not that’s why or she just randomly picked us but we joined her Instagram Live around 9pm.

St Helens Star: LuchianaLuchiana

“What are the chances that the one night Luchiana is awake that late that that would happen?

“Anyway as soon as she was on we said how much she loves to sing and Luchiana performed This Girl is on Fire for Alicia Keys with parts of it translated into Italian.

“Alicia was so shocked – then again so was I, I was screaming – it’s so amazing.

St Helens Star: Luchiana with ChantelleLuchiana with Chantelle

“It took a few days for it to sink in for Luchiana but now she’s like ‘Oh my god mummy I sang to Alicia who wrote This Girl is on Fire and she liked my singing.’”

Alicia during the Live, which Chantelle recorded, is heard praising Luchiana saying ‘well done mama’ and commenting on how beautiful her singing was as well as how much she loved the Italian in the song.

St Helens Star:

To follow Luchiana’s singing and modelling go to @luchianajb2022