A COMMUNITY hub had a successful weekend as it hosted its first summer fayre since the pandemic. 

Deafness Resource Centre on Denton's Green Lane held the fayre on Saturday.

Approximately 150 people attended, with around £700 raised for the centre. 

Tanya McGibbon, Children, Young People, and Family Service Manager, said: "The fayre was great, lots of people came throughout the day and stall holders were really pleased.

"We raised approximately £700 which is fantastic and will help support the work of the Deafness Resource Centre."

The fayre had a deeper significance to the centre as it marked the first summer event held since the pandemic, with staff grateful for those who attended. 

Helen Fitzgerald, Chief Officer of the centre, said: "It was great to see the centre being used by the local community for such a fun and rewarding event.

"Thank you to all the stall holders and people who came to support us on the day."

St Helens Star: Local stallholders had a successful day at the centre with members of the community attending the fayreLocal stallholders had a successful day at the centre with members of the community attending the fayre

St Helens Star: Tasty treats were also supplied at the summer event Tasty treats were also supplied at the summer event

Following the success on Saturday, Deafness Resource Centre has also announced that they will host a Christmas Fayre in November. 

Deafness Resource Centre has been providing its services to the community since it was established in 1928, and is partnered with other local and national organisations including St Helens Council, Children in Need, and Vision Support. 

The organisation, formerly named St Helens and District Society for Deaf People, has received many developments throughout its years and in 2009, it became a Registered Incorporated Charity and was given its present name. 

For further information on the centre, visit their official website at https://www.deafnessresourcecentre.org/.