A MUM-OF-TWO who was told she "deserves to feel beautiful" has found the couple who changed her outlook on life.

On Monday, April 25, Mike and Debbie Ronan overheard Gemma Ghosh's conversation in New Look changing rooms in the town centre.

After hearing that Gemma "felt beautiful for the first time in a while" trying on a dress for a friend's wedding, the couple decided to buy the item for her.

Although they had never met before, Mike told Gemma that she "deserves to feel beautiful" while Debbie stated that she "looks amazing".

St Helens Star: Gemma said she was going to come back to buy the dress for her friends weddingGemma said she was going to come back to buy the dress for her friends wedding

With plans to come back and buy the dress, Gemma "fell to the ground in tears" after hearing Mike and Debbie's comments as she has struggled for years with her body image.

After sharing her story online, Gemma has been in contact with the couple to thank them for their selfless act of kindness and let them know how much this has meant to her.

Gemma, from Thatto Heath, said: "They are going through a difficult time [themselves] and they go and do what they have done for me.

"They deserve to be recognised. With everything [they are] going through, they truly are amazing.

"I don't think they will ever truly understand just how much this has meant to me - it's changed my life."

St Helens Star: Gemma has suffered with her body image for a number of yearsGemma has suffered with her body image for a number of years

Grateful at how their gesture has been received, Mike and Debbie told Gemma that they "don't need to be thanked, as long as they have made a difference" to her.

Gemma's story has also attracted a host of positive comments about her body image, and she said she now wants to change her outlook on life for the better.

Many Star readers commended Mike and Debbie for their thankless gesture and told Gemma that she deserves to feel positive and confident about herself.

St Helens Star: Gemma has changed her outlook on life after the selfless gestureGemma has changed her outlook on life after the selfless gesture

Readers comments: 

Laura Matthews wrote: "That is so kind, I would have been in tears myself. Made up for you. You look lovely.

Gill Reay Hollingsworth said: "You do look very beautiful in your dress, it fits you perfectly. Enjoy the wedding. Very lovely gesture.

Similarly, Diane Tabern posted: "How lovely. The dress is absolutely beautiful. Hope you have a wonderful time."

Raymond Bonnici said: "That's a very kind thing to do. Sometimes the little things in life mean a lot more than you realise. Well done."

Pamela Mitchell stated: "A lovely gesture, you look really lovely. Have a fantastic day [at the wedding]."