A PLANNING application which was drawn up and sent to the council seeking permission to build more than 100 homes on green belt land which attracted objections has been withdrawn.

An outline planning application for up to 109 residential units on land off Elton Head Road was sent in to St Helens Council last December.

The proposals were drawn up by planners and architects Cassidy + Ashton, on behalf of applicants The Jones Partnership.

A planning statement in the application claimed the release of green belt land is justified in this case.

It read: "It is acknowledged that the application site is currently designated as Green Belt, however, the view taken is that St Helens Council are at an advanced enough stage of the Local Plan adoption process, of which there has been a comprehensive review of the Green Belt and the proposed release of land for residential development to meet future housing demand in both the short term and long term, so supporting the consideration of the site at this stage.

"It is our understanding that the land that is the subject of this outline planning application is supported for release from the Green Belt, albeit as safeguarded land for future residential development.

"Our approach is that circumstances justify consideration of the site now".

It added: "It is submitted that the land off Elton Head Road is capable of being developed in its own right and is deliverable with immediate effect, hence giving the council greater certainty in their strategic housing policy aspirations and ensuring soundness of the Local Plan".

The plans also said: "The indicative scheme before you clearly demonstrates that 109 units can be accommodated on the site and that the proposed vehicular access to the site from Elton Head Road is of a suitable quality to ensure no impact on highway safety".

However, the plans drew opposition from residents, with more than 20 letters of objection lodged.

Concerns raised included over potential loss of green spaces, wildlife, strains on amenities and traffic issues.

One stated: "I have concerns over access via Elton head road the amount of traffic is already huge.

"Also concerns over lack of services to deal with additional population".

The application has been withdrawn, council planners have confirmed.

A notice sent to the applicant said if they intend to resubmit the application, they should "first speak to the case officer to discuss amendments or revisions to the proposals".