A WOMAN who helped her partner evade arrest after the murder of Warren Glover in St Helens has been sent to jail.

Sarah Clarke, of Chester Avenue, Stalybridge, was convicted last month after a trial at Liverpool Crown Court of assisting an offender.

Her boyfriend Stephen Strutt was one of four who were given life sentences for the 'joint enterprise' murder of 33-year-old Warren Glover in Toll Bar after the group had travelled from Manchester.

Strutt, 39, of Chester Avenue, Stalybridge was jailed for life in April and must serve a minimum of 20 years in jail.

Stephen Strutt was one of four given a life sentence

Stephen Strutt was one of four given a life sentence

Brother and sister Aaron and Melissa Stubbs, and Peter Walker, were also given life sentences and the four of them must serve more than 80 years in jail between them.

Clarke, 31, who lived with Strutt, was sentenced to 21 months in prison on Friday after she had been found guilty after trial of assisting an offender, after she helped him to "lie low" in a hotel in Blackpool after the fatal attack.

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Judge Denis Watson QC said to Strutt at his sentencing: "You are a father and stepfather, however you chose to join the others knowing of the plan to attack Warren Glover even though the dispute had nothing to do with you.

"Your loyalty to Aaron Stubbs and the Stubbs family seemed to mean you were willing to help in any way you could, albeit in a secondary role.

"Some seven weeks after the attack you knew you were wanted by the police and tried to ‘lie low’ in Blackpool to avoid arrest."

Mr Glover was struck to the head by Aaron Stubbs in a "heavy blow" with a metal bar on the night of Saturday, June 13, 2020 on French Street at its junction with Thompson Street, Toll Bar.

Liverpool Crown Court heard he was the victim of a "revenge" attack over "abusive" text messages he sent to ex-girlfriend, Melissa Stubbs and others in response to her making clear their relationship was over.

Melissa, her brother Aaron Stubbs, friend Stephen Strutt, and Peter Walker, were charged with murder and found guilty after a six-week long trial.

At around 10.15pm on June 13 last year, the four of them had arrived in a grey Kia Sportage, before assaulting Warren in the quiet residential street.

Liverpool Crown Court

Liverpool Crown Court

Judge Denis Watson QC said during the quartet's sentencing for the murder, that Melissa and Aaron Stubbs had phoned Mr Glover to "tell him that they were on their way to smash his head in".

They "persuaded" Walker to join them and "took with them two weapons, a metal bar, akin to a crow bar, and a baseball-type bat" and made the 30-mile journey.

Warren Glover was killed in the attack

Warren Glover was killed in the attack

The judge said that Mr Glover, who was at his home in French Street, "knew what he was facing and armed himself with a hammer as the car arrived.

"Warren Glover didn't wait to be attacked, instead he swung the hammer and damaged the car before he tried to run off.

"Aaron Stubbs got out of the car with the bar and Walker with the baseball bat, both of whom chased him, Aaron Stubbs in front.

"Aaron Stubbs struck Warren Glover over the head with a very heavy blow which caused immediate unconsciousness."

The attack left him with a skull fracture and "irrecoverable brain injury". Mr Glover was taken to hospital where he died three weeks later on Tuesday, July 7.

(clockwise) Melissa Stubbs, Aaron Stubbs, Peter Walker and Stephen Strutt were jailed in April

(clockwise) Melissa Stubbs, Aaron Stubbs, Peter Walker and Stephen Strutt were jailed in April

Aaron Stubbs, 30, of Lane End Road, Manchester was sentenced to life and must serve a minimum of 21 years and six months.

Melissa Stubbs, 29, of Lane End Road, Manchester, who wept in the dock for much of the hearing, was sentenced to life with a minimum of 20 and a half years.

Peter Walker, of Garth Road, Manchester was sentenced to life and must serve a minimum of 20 years and six months.