MERSEYSIDE POLICE'S Chief Constable has announced he will retire from the force after 36 years fighting crime.

After joining the force in 1985, Andy Cooke served as detective at every rank, including senior roles in St Helens, where he was detective chief inspector in the early 2000s.

He also went on to be operations manager based out of St Helens' College Street station.

After a various roles - including a spell with Lancashire Constabulary - he was promoted to the top job in 2016, taking over from Sir Jon Murphy as Chief Constable.

Chief Constable Cooke will leave the force in April to take up a new appointment, details of which will be released at a later date.

Reflecting on his career, the Chief Constable, who is known to be a keen Saints fan and is chair of the British Police Rugby League Association, said: "After 36 years in policing and rapidly approaching five years as Chief of the best police force in the country, I would like to take the opportunity to inform you that despite being very kindly offered an extension to my contract by the PCC, I have decided to retire as Chief Constable of Merseyside Police.

St Helens Star:

"I wanted to place on record my thanks for the incredible support both the force and I have received from Merseyside communities and stakeholders over the period.

"I know that the men and women (and dogs and horses!) of this force are daily doing fantastic acts to keep our community safe and I could not be prouder of them.

"Merseyside is the highest rated metropolitan force in the country, an achievement we are very proud of and which emphasises our commitment to keep the people of Merseyside safe.

"I have been exceptionally proud to lead the force and I would like to thank the PCC Jane Kennedy with whom it has been a pleasure to work alongside.”

Merseyside's Police Commissioner Jane Kennedy said: "On behalf of the people of Merseyside, I offer Andy my heartfelt thanks for his commitment to policing and to Merseyside over more than three decades.

"Andy has served the people of Merseyside since 1985 with unwavering courage, integrity and dedication.

"He has been an outstanding leader, always professional and clear-sighted, with a deep attachment to the communities of Merseyside, one who has truly embodied his own motto for the force; 'Community First'.

St Helens Star:

Andy Cooke with Jane Kennedy

"It has been an honour to have appointed and then to work alongside such a first class Chief Constable, delivering our shared priorities to keep Merseyside safe.

"Andy is rightly recognised as one of the most experienced and knowledgeable police chiefs in the country, who has been at the forefront of the fight against serious and organised crime at a local, regional and national level.

“Andy has been a dedicated public servant throughout his career and I know he will continue to serve with distinction until he officially leaves the role.

“I thank Andy wholeheartedly for his service to policing and to the people of Merseyside.

"He has been an outstanding Chief Constable and I am sorry that his time has come to leave us.

"I wish him every success and happiness in his future endeavours."