THE leader of St Helens Council has told Boris Johnson to “get his act together” as pressure intensifies to lock down the country.

The Prime Minister is scheduled to address the nation at 8pm this evening, where he will outline new measures in response to rapidly rising case numbers.

On Sunday, Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer called for an immediate national lockdown, saying the virus is “clearly out of control”.

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Meanwhile, Nicola Sturgeon announced earlier that Scotland will go into lockdown from midnight tonight.

Following the news, Cllr David Baines, leader of St Helens Borough Council, branded the Conservative government’s leadership “complete frauds”.

Speaking on Twitter, he said: “At a time of crisis like this we’re cursed to be ‘led’ by a bunch of chancers whose only experience of decision making is deciding which house to spend their weekends in.

“Complete frauds.”

St Helens Star: Cllr David Baines, leader of St Helens Borough CouncilCllr David Baines, leader of St Helens Borough Council

The impending lockdown comes amid a row between the government and teaching unions over the reopening of the nation’s schools this week.

GMB, NAHT, NASUWT, NEU, UNISON and Unite have all called for a “pause” to the reopening and shift to remote learning – something that may yet happen.

Cllr Baines, a former teacher, said the government “urgently needs to get a grip and provide clarity to pupils, parents and carers”.

“Not for the first time during the pandemic, the government has completely lost control of the situation,” he said.

“They urgently need to get a grip and provide clarity to pupils, parents and carers, and they need to work with teachers and school staff to ensure that schools are safe for all – including a plan for vaccinations.

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“With infection rates rising in St Helens and across the country I fully support Keir Starmer in calling for a national lockdown.

“Whilst this would be difficult for everyone, it is the best way to get control of the virus and protect our NHS.

“Boris Johnson is always behind the curve – for once, for all our sakes, he needs to get his act together.”