MEET Jenny, a midwife and cancer survivor from Whiston Hospital who has become the first ever winner of the NMC Midwives’ Midwife of the Year award.

Jenny O’Neill, has worked with the Trust for eight years and was nominated by her colleagues for her outstanding care of women needing high dependency care and her unwavering support for her colleagues.

Last year was a particularly tough year for Jenny, as she was diagnosed with breast cancer in January 2019 and underwent treatment and multiple surgeries in the following months.

She had her last surgery in December 2019 – on the same day she found out she had been shortlisted for the award.

Jenny, from Widnes, said: “I was really surprised, I couldn’t believe it at first. I just felt so honoured and humbled to have been nominated for the award.

"My work colleagues have kept me going through everything, and have kept me smiling. I can’t explain how amazing they’ve been, and for them to have nominated me and kept it secret, is unreal.”

Jenny says her work friends not only helped her to stay positive, they kept her fit too, she added: “Over the past year, we’ve got even closer. They’ve even supported me with fundraising events and fitness challenges and we were able to donate £9,500 to the Burney Breast Unit, at St Helens Hospital.”

The RCMs Annual Midwifery Awards 2020 ceremony was due to take place in London in May, but was cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Instead, the event was held virtually, with winners announced online.

Jenny said: “Originally we’d planned to go down to London for the Awards, but instead me and my two daughters gathered around the screen to have afternoon tea while we watched the announcements.

"It still felt really special, especially when my eldest brought me a bunch of flowers and prosecco to show how proud she is.

"My mum even had afternoon tea over the fence with her neighbour to celebrate, she was so proud of me for being nominated.

"When my picture popped up on the screen and I realised I’d won I couldn’t stop smiling, my phone was buzzing with messages from everyone.”

The award was chosen by Royal College of Midwives President Kathryn Gutteridge who said: “It’s clear that Jennifer is respected and loved not only by her close midwife colleagues, but by the wider maternity team.

"Her enthusiasm for supporting women by putting them at the centre of their own care is evident in all she does.

"I wish to congratulate Jennifer and thank her for all she does for colleagues and for women and their babies.”