THE people of St Helens have been urged to get behind a landmark partnership that paves the way for the regeneration of the town centre.

Today, St Helens Council agreed initial terms to enter into a long-term partnership with the English Cities Fund (ECF).

The fund was set up in 2001 to bring together the best of the public and private sector, combining Homes England, Legal & General and Muse Developments.

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With initial investment of £100 million, the fund has delivered development worth of £1.6 billion into the five local authorities.

In 2018 it was unveiled the fund would double in size to £200 million to target complex, large-scale and long-term regeneration projects to unlock their potential.

On Thursday, the ECF’s board agreed initial heads of terms to enter into partnership with St Helens Council.

Hot on the heels of that, an extraordinary meeting of council’s cabinet took place to give their seal of approval to the partnership, which will focus initially on regenerating St Helens and Earlestown town centres.

“We’re immensely excited by the challenge – and it is a challenge,” said Phil Mayall, ECF regional director.

“We’re both going into a partnership knowing the full scale of the challenge, but we’re immensely excited by that.”

A report that went before cabinet today said development in the early phases may require investment of up to £200 million from various sources of funding.

Mr Mayall said the biggest challenges is making St Helens town centre “investable” and then making it “viable”, insisting that the two things are not the same.

“At the moment we need to make the town investable,” he said.

“We need the people of St Helens and external people – but principally the people of St Helens – to look at the town centre and say, when I start my new business, I want to start it there.

“When I’ve saved up my deposit for a new home, I want to live there. I want to bring my family here. I want to work, rest and play in the town centre.

“That’s the first challenge. That’s what we need to do working as a partnership and from that you grow confidence.

“And that’s when the town centre becomes viable again.”

Newton councillor Jeanie Bell, cabinet member for community safety, said she believes the regeneration will have “huge impacts” on crime.

“When communities feel neglected and run down, there is an undeniable spiral of economic and social hopelessness, which contributes then to a decline in people feeling part of the community.

“They don’t feel safe or valued within that community,” she said.

St Helens Star: Council leader Councillor David Baines and Phil Mayall, regional director at the English Cities FundCouncil leader Councillor David Baines and Phil Mayall, regional director at the English Cities Fund

Frustrations around the lack of progress in delivering the regeneration of St Helens town centre has continued to grow in recent years.

This has intensified as it has become more and more evident the council’s previous regeneration plans, unveiled in 2017, would not be delivered.

The council’s poor communication around the plans has also seen the authority come under fire, with many residents sceptical thanks to previous broken promises.

But Cllr Bell said the council now need the public to get behind their partnership with ECF and help “turn this town around”.

“We need you on board,” Cllr Bell said. “We need you on board to delivery this project.

“There are those people who spend their time sniping on social media, doing the town down and it’s a disservice to everybody who lives here, owns business here and works here.

“Instead of criticising everything that is done, get on board and show your willingness to help us turn this town around.”

Cllr Martin Bond, cabinet member for finance, called the deal a “remarkable gateway” for the future of the borough.

He added that it was the first time ECF have worked with a town, rather than a city, adding that was a “real feather in our cap”.

Cllr Richard McCauley, cabinet member for economic regeneration and housing, said the 20-year, borough-wide partnership will be the first of its kind in the UK.

He said it’s envisioned that initial “significant” development will comprise of leisure, housing and retail opportunities in both town centres.

St Helens Star: Cllr Jeanie Bell, St Helens Council's cabinet member for community safetyCllr Jeanie Bell, St Helens Council's cabinet member for community safety

St Helens Council leader David Baines said the deal is a “fresh start” for St Helens and the council.

He said the council and the ECF will now work together on proposals for a 20-year partnership that would see a variety of sites across the borough benefit from redevelopment.

“Among our first priorities will be the development of detailed masterplans for both town centres and potential opportunities across our great borough.

“Work on this by ECF has already begun and drawings and some proposals do exist, but I’ve been clear, I don’t want to share artists’ impressions or CGI images of possible developments, I want to share facts.

“And when we do release images they will be deliverable projects that will happen.”

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Cllr Baines said it is an “extremely exciting time” for St Helens before instructing his cabinet to “get it done”.

A steering group will now be established comprising of senior officers, and elected members and ECF to agree the wider programme of development across all future phases

Any phases of development being brought forward through the delivery strategy will require the appropriate approval of cabinet before proceeding.